0817 - Sinlaku (森垃克) 的威力, 在吹襲台灣時可見一斑... 此時, 菲律賓以東附近的低氣壓, 快速的在形成後被升格為STS, 有望為9月的南海添一份姿彩, 就讓我看著0818 - Hagupit (黑格比)的成長之路吧!
天文台最新的路徑圖顯示, 按現時路徑推測, 黑格比將會於9月23日趨向呂宋海峽...
由於黑格比仍距離呂未海峽一段距離, 故此, 相信黑格比絕對有機會以颱風姿態, 穩定趨向南海沿岸... 我要拭目以待!!
22 September 2008
No. 1 Warning Signall is hoisted in around 20:30.
23 September 2008
No. 3 Strong Wind Signal is hoisted at the morning in around 10:30.
No. 8 NE Tyhoon Signal is hoisted at 18:00. HKO forecast T. Hagupit will be passed HK at the boundary of 200km. The maxmium centre of wind is about 945 Pha. It will be moved in direction of W-NW stably which predicted by HKO. It's Average Wind Speed ia in 64 km. Tyhoon Hagukit is now moving in wind speed of 28 km/hr steady to the western coast of Guangtong. It is centred in near 20.7 degrees north 113.7 degrees east, 180km far from HK. (Updated at 22:05)
- Sep 20 Sat 2008 13:06
0818 - Hagupit (黑格比)